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  • Writer's pictureAnastasia Santos | BusDev Lead @ Beep

The 4 Biggest Mistakes We Find While Reviewing Websites

Let's face it. Today's digital landscape is highly competitive. With so many great websites around, site visitors' expectations are at an all-time high. Even the slightest inconvenience could cost you the sale. My hope is that your website doesn't have any of these. But if you do, then it's serendipitous that you happened upon this article. Our CEO & Co-Founder, Farid Shukurov, a UX/UI expert with over 10 years of experience, recently made a video reviewing two websites and he pointed out 18 mistakes they made (you can watch it in the video below).

💡 By the way, if you're interested in web design, website user experience and website reviews then you might be interested in our weekly show called "Better Web With Beep" where we review different websites and give specific pointers on how to improve landing page design & functionality to increase their conversion rates.

For those with no time to watch the entire video - don't worry! I condensed the tips covered in the video into 4 of the biggest mistakes that could be hurting your website's conversion rate. The great thing is, most of these don't require much effort to change or implement. Consider them "low-hanging fruit" that yield the highest positive returns.

So, without further delay, let's dive in starting with...

1. Lack of Consistent Hover Effects

A big mistake we usually come across on our website reviews is the lack of consistent effects when we hover our mouse cursor over them. You know those elements that are meant to be clicked or interacted with?

Well, at the very least, they should really have some kind of reaction when hovered over.

For instance, take a look at this button here 👉 Watch Video. You won't even know it was a button if I didn't just point it out. There's no change or visual feedback if you hover over it (aside from the cursor). It's a small detail, but it makes a big difference in user experience since they expect a visual cue indicating that an element is clickable.

This inconsistency in hover effects is a bit frustrating for website visitors as they may feel like they're going on a treasure hunt, trying to figure out what's clickable and what's not.

(Though people love treasure hunts, they don't like ones they didn't sign up for.)

Now, I understand you might want to keep things minimal and clean, but a simple change like adding hover effects can make a huge difference in user navigation and experience. It's like a little nod that says, "Hey, I'm interactive!" Plus, you may potentially lose on conversions at a specific stage of your sales funnel if your CTA (call-to-action) button is camouflaged with the surrounding elements.

" may potentially lose on conversions... if your CTA (call-to-action) button is camouflaged with the surrounding elements."

So, my suggestion would be to go through all the elements on the page and ensure that buttons and links are recognizable as such. A simple change can make the user journey much more enjoyable and intuitive.

2. Unclear Value Proposition and Messaging

Now, the next mistake I often see is a lack of clarity in communicating the value proposition. You know, it's so important that your homepage or landing page immediately tells visitors what you do and how you can help them.

You'd be surprised how many websites fail to do this simply and effectively. Don't make your visitors think too hard to figure out what you offer. Your product or service's value should be obvious within seconds of landing on your page - above-the-fold, big, and bold.

Keep it concise and straightforward, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex terminology that might confuse people (this is a BIG one we often see). An extra tip: use simple language that resonates with your target audience.

For the rest of your website content, instead of listing a bunch of so-called "unique features" that visitors might not understand, use visuals to showcase your product or service. A picture says a thousand words, right? Extra points if you use animated visuals such as videos or GIFs.

Let's take an example. Suppose your business is about simplifying online grocery shopping. Instead of having a bunch of text explaining your "cutting-edge technology" and "unmatched convenience," show a visually appealing process with images or even a video demonstrating how easy it is to use your platform.

As they say, content is king. So, aside from making your value proposition clear, it's also crucial to present your content in a way that's engaging and accessible. You want to capture your visitors' attention and make them want to stay and explore more. It's a key part of converting those precious visitors into customers.

"Content is king, but in today's busy world, it's essential to capture attention within seconds. Clear and concise messaging, coupled with compelling visuals, can make all the difference in engaging your visitors."

3. Ineffective Use of Visuals and Illustrations

Leading off of the previous point on content, one of the most common mistakes I see on websites is the ineffective use of visuals and illustrations. Visual elements, when used well, can enhance the user experience and make your messaging more impactful. But unfortunately, many websites get this wrong.

It's not just about throwing in some stock images or random illustrations; they should actually add value to the user's experience. Illustrations should complement and reinforce the message conveyed by the accompanying text. They should help explain complex concepts or demonstrate the unique features of your product or service.

For instance, instead of using generic images of people in suits shaking hands, which honestly could be any stock image, try incorporating visuals that are more relevant to your brand and offering. If your product is a SaaS solution, consider using screenshots or mockups to give users a better idea of the actual product. Show them what your platform looks like and how it can be easily navigated. Also, select or edit images to align with your brand's color scheme and personality.

Using visuals that are directly related to your brand and products is a simple yet effective way to strengthen your messaging. It helps create a more cohesive and immersive user experience.

Also, pay attention to the quality and aesthetics of your visual content. Ensure your images and illustrations are high-resolution, crisp, and professionally presented. Nothing turns users off more than blurry or pixelated images (this also applies for the employee photos in your "About Us" page). And while we're on the topic of image quality, make sure visual elements don't have harsh edges or get cut off awkwardly - even the drop shadow effects you use on certain site elements or containers. It's a minor detail, but it speaks to the attention to detail your company has.

So, take some time to review the visuals on your website. Ensure they are relevant, high-quality, and complementary to your text. Remember, a well-chosen and placed visual element can say a thousand words, significantly enhance your brand messaging, and influence the trust and willingness visitors have to do business with you or your company.

4. Lack of Trust-Building Elements

Lastly, moving on to another crucial aspect of website design, building trust with your visitors is essential. People are cautious and skeptical online, so you must actively work towards establishing trust.

Think about it; would you readily hand over your credit card details or contact information to a website that seems shady or untrustworthy? I know I wouldn't!

This is why it's imperative to incorporate elements that enhance your credibility and make visitors feel confident in your business.

One effective way is to showcase your completed projects or client testimonials. Displaying your successful ventures tells visitors that you're capable and reliable. It's like showing off your credentials and saying, "Hey, look what I can do!"

Additionally, consider adding a personal touch by including a video introduction from the CEO or the founding team. It humanizes your brand and creates a deeper connection with your audience. Seeing the faces behind the company adds a layer of familiarity and warmth.

If you've worked with renowned clients, make sure to highlight their logos or provide case studies demonstrating how you've helped them succeed. If you're a startup that has been backed by notable investors, organizations or accelerator programs, then be sure to also mention it. This is social proof that your services are sought after and trusted by reputable companies.

These trust-building elements are like a digital version of a firm handshake, assuring your visitors that they're in capable hands.

So, take stock of your website's content and ask yourself: "Does this build trust with my visitors?" If not, it's definitely worth considering how you can strengthen your online credibility.

"Trust is a cornerstone of any successful business, and establishing it online is as vital - if not even more integral - as in real life. Ensure your website echoes your brand's integrity and reliability."


Enhancing the Website Experience

While you've worked hard on crafting your website's content and design, some common pitfalls can significantly impact the user experience. Ensuring your website avoids these mistakes is crucial for maximizing conversions and providing an enjoyable user journey.

Let's dive into the final section, focusing on enhancing the overall website experience and ensuring your online presence shines.

🔠 Prioritize Clear Communication

Your website's messaging should be crystal clear, leaving no room for confusion about your product's or service's value proposition. Complex or ambiguous terminology can confuse and deter potential customers.

Craft concise and engaging headlines or taglines that instantly resonate with your target audience (which is why prior customer & market research is important). Ensure your value proposition is prominently displayed, making it impossible for visitors to miss the key benefits you offer.

Think of it as your elevator pitch—a concise, well-rehearsed blurb that captures attention and sparks interest. Your website's front page should deliver a compelling snapshot of your brand, leaving users eager to learn more.

Overall, avoid vague or flowery language that might sound impressive but ultimately fails to communicate your offering's essence. The easier to understand, the better. Clear and concise messaging is a powerful tool to capture attention and guide users toward conversion.

🎨 Maintain Design Consistency

Consistency is a cornerstone of effective web design, enhancing the user experience and fostering a cohesive brand image. Ensure your website maintains uniformity in design elements, such as color schemes, fonts, and visual cues.

Interactive elements like hover effects, buttons, and links should also follow a consistent pattern. When users encounter similar design features across your site, it creates a sense of familiarity and improves navigation.

A unified design not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also establishes a professional image. It's like meeting a well-dressed and put-together individual who exudes confidence—that's the impression you want your website to make!

So pay close attention to the little details, as they can make a big difference in the overall user experience.

Request Website Changes Easier

Do you see changes that need to be made to your company's website, but aren't the website developer?

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With these tips, you're well on your way to creating a captivating, conversion-focused website. Remember, a clear value proposition and consistent design are powerful tools to captivate and retain your hard-earned website visitors.

Keep making improvements, and your website will be a powerful business asset, generating leads and enhancing your brand's reputation.

Best of luck on your website journey, and feel free to reach out for further insights or feedback!


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